Students and Collaborators
Current Students
2024-now: Saeed Almheiri (PhD, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Tim Baldwin
2024-now: Mukhammed Togmanov (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Qirong Ho
2024-now: Bilal El Bouardi, (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Salem Lahlou
2024-now: Salsabila Zahirah Pranida (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Thamar Solorio
2024-now: Nurkhan Laiyk, (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Hanan Aldarmaki
2024-now: Mariam Amr Hassanien Rizk Barakat (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Ekaterina Kochmar
2024-now: Rifo Ahmad Genadi (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Kentaro Inu
2024-now: Besher Hassan (MSc, MBZUAI). Co-supervised with Xiuying Chen
2024-now: Muhammad Falensi Azmi (BSc, Universitas Indonesia). Co-supervised with Alfan Wicaksono
2024-now: Naila Shafirni (BSc, Universitas Indonesia). Co-supervised with Alfan Wicaksono
2024-now: Rafa Maulana (BSc, Bandung Institute of Technology). Co-supervised with Samuel Cahyawijaya and Ayu Purwarianti
2024-now: Amir Hossein Yari (BSc, Sharif University of Technology)
2024-now: Kulkarni Kalmit Sandeep (BSc, Vellore Institute of Technology in Bhopal)
Current Staffs
2024-now: Junior Cedric Tonga (Research Associate, MBZUAI)
2024-now: Muhammad Dehan Al Kautsar (Research Associate, MBZUAI)
2024-now: Ryandito Diandaru (Research Associate, MBZUAI)
Past Students
2021-2022: Andrew Shen (BSc, The University of Melbourne). Co-supervised with Tim Baldwin and Jey Han Lau
Research: Bottom-up discourse parsing.
Currently MSc student at CMU, ML Engineer at Tesla (USA)
Past Collaborators*
2023-2023: Chen Cecilia Liu (PhD student, TU Darmstadt and University of Cambridge)
2023-2024: Rahmad Mahendra (PhD student, RMIT)
2023-2024: Samuel Cahyawijaya (PhD student, HKUST)
* Student collaborators are students who are not under my supervision but have been extensively working together in research collaboration.
Fajri Koto (Assistant Professor)
NLP Department, MBZUAI, Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE